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Quest 3: First Encounters wont start for me


I seem to have a problem with the demo/showcase app, where it keeps asking for me to scan the room, even if I did beforehand. So what I do is click "try again" but no matter how many times I try, the game stills show the disclaimer and wont let me play. Anyone else with this, or is a solution known?


Our Meta Quest 3 was just set up.  Other games/apps work.  When I open First Encounters and click on "Set Up Boundary" nothing happens.  I cleared the boundary set on the headset and that did not work.  I reset the overall boundary for the headset and I still could not set the boundary in First Encounter.  I powered the headset down and restarted, I checked to make sure all updates were current which they are.  I could not find a way to restart the game other than quit and reopen with no lick. 

Hey there, @holly1001 and @OSSPmeta, and thank you for reaching out to the community with this issue! Difficulties in the First Encounter environments are not an experience we want you to be having, so please know we'll be happy to assist you with finding a resolution! First thing, whenever you have any software/application type issue, you want to make sure all of your software is up to date. You can follow the processes in the article here to check and make sure you're as updated as you can be:


Update Your Meta Quest Software


Also, oftentimes one of the quickest solutions to odd software things is to restart the headset. A hard reboot can be done from within the app or on the headset:


  • Hold down the power button and volume down button for 30 seconds until you hear the boot-up sound
  • If the boot-up sound is not heard, hold the power and volume (-) button down simultaneously until the boot screen loads on your headset, then use the volume buttons on your headset to highlight "Boot Device" and press the power button; then, use the volume buttons on your headset to highlight Yes and press the power button.

Try again after the restart, and let us know if it changes your symptoms at all. While we hope the above steps are able to resolve the troubles you're experiencing, if not please reach back out and we'll see if your symptoms are any different and what the best way to proceed will be! Happy holidays!


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Honored Guest

I'm having the same problem.  Go to first encounters and it will not allow me to set boundry.

Hey, @Wmblake, thanks for reaching out about this! We're not happy you're experiencing some issues with this as well, but we'll be happy to assist! Please give the steps we posted above about updates and hard restarting a shot and let us know what the results are when you can! Here are those steps again:


Follow the steps outlined here to verify your software is up to date:

Update Your Meta Quest Software


Then, hard reboot the headset. A hard reboot can be done from within the app or on the headset:


  • Hold down the power button and volume down button for 30 seconds until you hear the boot-up sound
  • If the boot-up sound is not heard, hold the power and volume (-) button down simultaneously until the boot screen loads on your headset, then use the volume buttons on your headset to highlight "Boot Device" and press the power button; then, use the volume buttons on your headset to highlight Yes and press the power button.


Hope to hear back with your results soon!

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Hi, I have this issue with first encounters, but also some other apps. I’ve bought, charged and installed the quest 3 today. So I think I have the most recent update. Do you have a solution?

I was able to play twice in one day. Then I installed a couple of other games, like Robo never worked again, no matter how many times I’ve restarted, etc.. It fails in the room detection. 

Same issue here! Has there been a fix yet?

Honored Guest

I have the same issue with my brand-new Quest 3. Pushing the button (I tried them all) does not work on the setting the boundary softkey. I cannot close the app properly and can only continue working with the device after a hard reboot. This is really poor, as first encounters is supposedly meant to support beginners.

Hey there, Everyone! We truly appreciate you all bringing this concern to our attention. Being able to set up your play area is essential to your games, so we definitely want to get to the bottom of this! To get started, we want to make sure your headsets are fully up-to-date. Even if your device is new, it is always good to check in case an update is needed. Once confirmed, then from there, we'd like for the device to be hard rebooted. This can be completed by either holding the power button for 30 seconds or selecting restart within the headset power menu. 


After these steps have been attempted, if any issues persist, we'd like to have a bug report submitted. From there, please shoot us a PM to continue looking into this concern further. We want to make sure everyone is able to fully enjoy their VR experience! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey everyone! We wanted to check in to see if any further assistance is needed. If so, do let us know! We want to make sure everyone is set to continue exploring VR. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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