10-12-2023 09:53 PM - last edited on 07-19-2024 08:43 AM by TheLegend27
On the onscreen keyboard I tap the Microphone key so that I can dictate my typing. The putt on says Initializing for several seconds and just shuts off.
How can I make dictation work?
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-07-2024 07:58 AM - last edited on 07-20-2024 08:54 AM by TheLegend27
Would everyone that is having this issue provide me with the following details:
I hope to get a few replies if this is still an issue! I want to make sure we can provide this information to our engineers!
Hey again everyone! For those of you still experiencing this issue, please submit a bug report, so that our team can keep track of users who are still experiencing this issue over future releases!
10-14-2023 03:50 PM
Same here, neither voice commands nor dictation are working. When I double click on the meta button for voice commands, it says it's not available, that it is and experimental feature in beta and not available on my headset..!
10-19-2023 07:51 AM
Hello there! Was this a feature that was working fine on our Meta Quest 2 device? I personally never used it before. I want to get as much information as possible to get this a better look at!
10-19-2023 09:04 AM
Yes it worked fine on Quest 2
10-19-2023 11:02 AM
Gotcha! Thanks! I will be bringing this up to our engineers!
11-07-2023 12:10 AM - edited 11-07-2023 12:13 AM
I am on Quest 2, and Voice Dictation has been broken for what feels like months. As OP stated, when I tap the dictation icon on keyboard, it says "initializing" but nothing happens. One of the many nice things broken by V57. Why can't we have nice things? 🙂
Thanks for your time 🛠️
11-14-2023 06:25 PM
Hi. What's the status of this? Dictation stoped working for me in Facebook Messenger and in Whatsapp. It's working everywhere else. Up to a day ago. The other apps worked as well and now they no longer do. I've tried reinstalling them and everything and nothing will fix it. Why is this happening? And how are we gonna fix it?
11-26-2023 02:36 PM
Any update on this Alice? This seems a bit ridiculous. Typing is cumbersome on the Quest 3 (or any of them I imagine). This is such an elementary issue, especially on Android. Come on Oculus, please fix this!
12-06-2023 09:48 AM
same here. dictation works in every app except Messenger and WhatsApp. in THOSE apps, i just hear a "byoweep" sound when i click the microphone.
12-16-2023 06:36 AM
I would think that checking messages and responding with voice to text would be widely used In a virtual setting. I am both surprised and disappointed by the lack of response from Meta concerning this issue.
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