4 weeks ago - last edited 4 weeks ago
So I already exhausted all my options with Meta support. They gave up and said file a bug report.
I find this totally pathetic given how much I paid for this product.
I've tried the release version of the Meta Quest Link app and also the Public test channel. They are both crashy as hell. It's getting to the point where I can't run a 12 minute race without a crash - the headset just freezes.
On top of that if the PC goes to sleep - ever - the Link app is toast and won't connect to the headset until the PC is rebooted.
I'm really frustrated at this point. Meta has released a product with unfinished software and they won't even help. Of course they also never offered to take the thing back for a refund.
Has anyone encoountered similar software issues and figured out more than Meta seem to?
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