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Quest 3 Repalcement

Honored Guest

I have been patiently awaiting on getting a replacement for my Quest 3. 128GB. I took it in to Best Buy where it was purchased from. I was told that a replacement will be shipped to my house with a given date of within one week. I anticipated the arrival of my Quest 3 and when it did not arrive I called Best Buy. It took an hour to get a hold of anyone in Best Buy store and to only to be told it was still not available. I had to contact Best Buy Support and give them all my info from the receipt given to me when I took in my Quest 3 and finally to be told that they are awaiting for shipment of the Quest 3 and that there is none available in all the stores in my area. If anyone can help me expedite, or suggest a solution as to how or where I can get my Quest 3 replaced, would be great. 



Hi @Firecracker_22 🙂

the 128 GB model is discontinued, that's why it is not available in any shops in your area...... it's probably the

same for other areas.

So, Best Buy can't just give you a device from another shop, they have to wait until they get the replacement

device from Meta.

I don't think, there is a faster way to get an replacement......sadly🙁

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