a month ago
So whenever I screen cast from my Quest 3 headset (either to the app OR to a laptop), there are frequent pauses. It will stream video fine for maybe up to 5-10 seconds, and then pause for 3 or 4 seconds before resuming. The headset itself seems fine, so whoever is using it is unaffected, but it makes it difficult for others to watch. I don't believe it's network related as I live in a rural area with no competing wireless networks, and I've also switched from a traditional single access point wireless router, to a mesh network with the headset, phone, and computer all connected to the same access point. I've experienced the same behavior across both network configurations. Also, to be clear, I'm only ever streaming to a single device (either the phone OR computer, but not both at the same time). It also doesn't matter if I'm playing a game, or simply viewing the default VR background, or even the passthru mode.
I've had my Quest 3 for a little over a year, and this has always been a problem. At first I thought maybe it was "normal" but that doesn't seem right, particularly considering I have been unable to find any posts about it. So either people just live with it, or I somehow have a rogue device that isn't streaming correctly, or needs some sort of updated configuration.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
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