05-25-2024 03:52 AM - last edited on 05-25-2024 07:46 AM by TheLegend27
Hi, I will try to be factual as much as I can Because this story has impact to my mental health and the way Meta is managing it in customer service is unacceptable
4 December 2023: bought a "brand New" Meta Quest headset 3.
8 December 2023 : I have received my headset, sealed box, opened it and everything works perfectly
Few moment after : I have registered my headset and they grant me warranty until December 2025 proving that my headset is whitelisted and I can keep it and isn't a scam from the seller.
15 may 2024 : I switch on my quest, and the logo meta was frozen.
It happened because the last "automatic" update from your side didn't go well
So I followed the help guideline and tried a factory reset and keep loop to the same bios menu and nothing happen
from 15 may 2024 to today : contacted several the customer service by email and WhatsApp and they came back to me saying to me that the unit I have bought was a refund unit from Meta and I shouldn't have been buy it from the seller , and for this reason they void my warranty and can't help me to repair or replace my unit making me assuming the full responsability without them find any solution for me or assuming they made mistakes in the process.
BUT what's happened is 100% the responsability and mistake from Meta , why ?
1/ the most obvious : If you have refund the headset already, why isn't in your refund stock and how it was possible to buy it
2/obvious too : If my serial number was black listed , why in the planet earth did you grant me a warranty until December 2025, because you lead me after this grant to understand that my unit is legit and without issue
3/Firmware/update responsability : if you force your headset to update when we switch off it, we need to be protected if something goes wrong , but apparently you don't repair headset !!
4/Meta own the bootloader : Exept Meta, no third party or even good developer can repair a bricked meta headset quest 3 because your system is locked , so I'm depending of a solution that will.Make my headset functional . no one else can help me unfortunately .
5/WhatsApp Shadowban : Meta customer service don't answer to me anymore in their WhatsApp channel
5(bonus)/Meta email filter is a non sens : when you try to reply back to a customer service email you receive this message below:
"Your message couldn't be delivered to support@store.metamail.com because the remote server is misconfigured. See technical details below for more information.
The response from the remote server was:
550 5.7.1 Relaying denied"
making any follow back or communication challenging .
5/(bonus 2) : I have lot of case opened instead of one unique : because Your customer service system doesn't allow to input a reference case , so lots of case number has been opened but the one I use the most is the case [redacted]
6/ 0 empathy : I kept highlighting I'm dealing with mental health issues, and no one in Cs seems understand how all this process increased my stress and anxiety
what I want ? I have 1 unique a simple request : please Meta repair my headset by doing a remote factory reset or any solution for me because I'm having bad mental health time I read or see announcement , ads or news about meta quest .
For a big company like you, a headset price is nothing but for me it was a big purchase so please understand my pain to have been scammed and find a good will solution for my case .
I hope you understand that it's my last option I had to pick your attention to my problem and find a TRUE solution to it .
Thanks a lot
10:08 AM
- last edited on
04:34 PM
Hey there, @Ainov8. Thank you so much for providing us with your experience with us and feedback. We took some time to look over your cases as well as your message here to make sure we had a full grasp of the situation. For anyone curious about our warranty it can be downloaded and read here. There are a lot of details in this that we can only discuss in private. If you'd like more clarification, please click on our name, MetaQuestSupport then click the button on the top right send us a private message. As this is a separate channel from the Emails, you shouldn't receive an error message so we should be able to have a full conversation on this situation. We're looking forward to hearing back from you.
05-25-2024 02:20 PM
Did meta help?
I am facing the same and have being asked to contact amazon.
05-25-2024 04:56 PM
Hey there, @user_913389200073121! I recommend checking out the link that support provided in their previous message. There, it explains the warranty policies for Meta-related devices. If you're having trouble with support regarding your warranty, I recommend also sending a private message here to @MetaQuestSupport so they can look into your case with the teams.
05-25-2024 05:15 PM
Hey, @user_913389200073121 , unfortunately they didn't help at all to resolve my problem by bringing a solution. I just kept blamed than I bought it outside Meta shop, they are very rigid on their policy , they prefer to look at me crying , having anxiety and knowing that I have a brick headset at home that will take the dust instead of even bring a software solution to my problem.
They own this headset because the bootloader is locked, but they don't want even to repair it or share anyone who can be able to repair it (because in reality no one except Meta CAN repair it because it's a closed system).
Anyway, they still have margin to learn from their competitor because they will have a bad buzz soon.
05-25-2024 05:29 PM
To be honest, I still don't understand what you have to lose to find a solution to earn a long time.Client who already spend £ in your shop to buy content . what the point to have a short sight ? Anyway it seems that you genuinely never had exceptional case to deal with and do good will action, I'm very disappointed .
06-08-2024 07:05 AM
Thanks @The_1st_Dark_Lord_Morgoth, @Ainov8 for the suggestions,
My quest 2 was working fine and after they sent an update it stopped working
Above is exactly what I am seeing on my device, Meta support told me that this can't be fixed and only way is I order a refurbished replacement for 149$, since I live in India which is not in supported countries list, I need to take care of shipping and customs so my total goes to 450$ for which I can buy a new quest 3 from India.
We are left in a dire situation, Meta can still break new device by sending untested updates and just raise their hands up.
Pathetic support, even local companies have better support.
06-08-2024 07:14 AM
I think we should all gather and file a law suit as this is completely there fault to brick hardware with software updates and then just enjoy looking at people cry and beg for their help.
06-08-2024 09:43 PM
I was denied any further help, I pinged meta support admin in DM.
06-12-2024 10:50 PM
Looks like meta has acknowledged this issue and working on a fix.
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