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Quest 3 bluetooth connection issues during setup

Honored Guest

Hi Meta Support,

The last two weeks I have been trying to set up my new Quest 3. My headseat will not connect with the Meta Horizon app.

I have tried several "standard advices" from at least 5 different Meta Support employees, all in vain. Because i already tried those steps by finding advice via I am stuck in the step that the app asks for the 5 digit number to connect. But it cannot. Even after factory reset, update and updating the app.

The last comment was that I would be referred tot a "specialized team" to look into the matter... The last 3 days have been silent, and quite frustrating.

I have narrowed it down to a possible bluetooth problem. I cannot find the headset in the devices list on my iPhone. Hence no connection.

Please help and hopefully give an advice that will solve the problem. It is quite frustrating and I am on the verge of returning the headset to the store for a refund.


an slightly irritated customer

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