01-01-2025 12:04 AM
Hello, I just got my headset a few days ago after using a Quest 2 for a few years, and I've noted this particular issue which was never present with the old headset - my Q3 will gradually (about 1%/hr) drain battery while turned off and plugged in via link cable. In fact, even plugging it into my 15w usb c on my PSU will cause it to slowly drain.
Preface facts-
Yes, it's turned off. it's quite clear when the headset is powered off all the way (held button 3+ seconds, waited until the headset says POWERING OFF and makes a sound to queue that yes, it has powered off.) If I get asked about this I'm going to scream. That's not the problem.
I've tried multiple USB slots, from 2.0 to 3.2 gen 2. Unfortunately none have increased power output, but that's why I tried my PSU as well, which shouldn't have any data streaming from it and which has the wattage to fast charge my phone.
Plugging the device in using the provided outlet adapter works, but for space and longevity reasons I'd prefer to avoid this option as I have too few outlets and too many plugs to occupy them in the space my VR setup is hosted. Not to mention, I hate having to unplug and replug the same usb socket on my device before and after every use because, while it may take a while, that socket's going to experience wear, especially in close proximity to sweat. It's also a blasted inconvenience, and not one I should have to deal with when I've already maximized my space usage to accommodate VR on top of everything else.
I get that the Quest 2 had a weaker processor and thus could charge more quickly, but I could actually leave that ON by mistake and check 3-4 days later and it'd only drop 10% or so while connected via link cable, and when turned off it'd charge about 20% over the course of 15-20 hours. Nothing crazy, but it kept me topped off for the hour or two that I'd use it each night. The Quest 3 WILL NOT CHARGE while plugged into anything except the outlet adapter, period. This is inexcusable in my opinion by itself, even on slow charge, but worse it discharges like mad are you kidding me?? Why does this thing use it's battery faster while plugged in and turned off than my phone does while turned on, streaming video with 8 tabs running in the background? Is there a fix to this garbage?
01-01-2025 03:11 AM
@NeutralNontrast there was a similar issue a short while ago, sadly no resolution. Perhaps a factory reset will sort the issue or an update to the firmware. You need to raise a ticked with support for them to do anything.
Charging the Quest 3 - Meta Community Forums - 1273412
01-01-2025 03:55 AM
@NeutralNontrast The workaround I suggest is to just disconnect the link cable and power down your headset. Then use its charger/cable to fully charge it. Then when you want to use Link, reconnect it. Rinse and repeat.
For longer runtimes you might want to try Air Link and connect an external battery pack. I use a Romoss 10000mahr 30w pack I got from Amazon. You can also use an external battery pack to extend standalone runtimes as well.
Otherwise, contact meta support I guess.
01-01-2025 10:18 AM
I do appreciate the response, Air link just kinda sucks (at least in my home, my router is even in line of sight and uses wifi 6 but the bitrate is pretty ugly and there's so much lag it's unbareable) which is unfortunate because I'd read that it had improved a lot over the years and I was hoping to go wireless for true. Runtimes aren't really the issue either, I only play for an hour or two per night typically and rarely end up actually using more than 15-20% of the battery while I'm playing.
Issue just remains, I don't want to have to constantly disconnect and reconnect this headset because (personal setup issue) I have to really inconvenience the rest of my setup just to charge one headset that was already plugged in. I dunno why anyone would find the quest 3 discharging while plugged in and turned off remotely acceptable frankly. I'll give meta support a ticket though.
01-01-2025 04:15 PM
@NeutralNontrast As long as your pc is Ethernet cable connected to your router and you have good pc specs both Air Link and/or Virtual Desktop wireless options should work well.
As far as your personal operating issues go, a lot of restrictions are the price you pay for having a Hybrid VR headset imho. If you want to avoid these you probably should consider a dedicated pcvr headset, something like a Pimax Crystal Light.
01-01-2025 05:15 PM
@NeutralNontrast have you reset the headset as this does not sound like a hardware issue. If you can still charge the headset when it's in standby mode instead of turned off, then that may be the way to go until a software fix is issued.
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