12:08 AM
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12:10 AM
I own a quest 3. I did not play for like half a year. Yesterday I tried again and found out, that my quest 3 does not power on. And no, the power button combined with the volume button for 30 seconds did nothing. Usually when I plugged in a USB Cable, a LED would become visible. But not anymore. Changing the USB-Port on the PC side didn't help. To me, the device looks as dead as possible. Any suggestions what to do?
10-19-2024 12:42 AM
Hi @Moredread1, thank you for contacting us about your issues regarding the Quest 3. We understand that you have tried some troubleshooting steps however, you cannot turn the headset on. We will suggest you attempt to charge the headset for 2 hours, the headset must be left powered off or in a sleep state during this time.
If the headset will not charge, please ensure these following steps:
Please let us know if these help resolve you issue and don't hesitate to contact us for further support. We hope you have an amazing day!
10-20-2024 12:58 AM
Hi there, we just want to check if your issue has been resolved. Please do not hesitate to contact if you need any further assistance or if you have any other queries!
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Check out some popular posts here:
Getting Help from the Meta Quest Community
Tips and Tricks: Charging your Meta Quest Headset