3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Hello. I'm using 5m third party link cable usb-c to usb-a with extra usb-c port on it for charging, but when i plug a charger into the port, it's not charging my headset at all. I've tried original meta quest charger and 33w charger, and they both are not chargin my headset while im playing PCVR. How to fix it, and is there other ways to keep the headset charged with link cable?
3 weeks ago
@BatCapys wrote:
Hello. I'm using 5m third party link cable usb-c to usb-a with extra usb-c port on it for charging, but when i plug a charger into the port, it's not charging my headset at all. I've tried original meta quest charger and 33w charger, and they both are not chargin my headset while im playing PCVR. How to fix it, and is there other ways to keep the headset charged with link cable?
I suggest you do a little google research regarding your powered link cable (and make sure it's compatible with your headset). Make sure you follow the instructions and connect it up in the right order, also use the correct charger.
Most of the powered link cables I've used don't actually charge the headset until they fall just below 80%. I think that this is done by design so you don't overheat your headset battery. If you want to recharge your headset later I suggest you just use the supplied charger/cable. Also, always a good idea to start off using Link with a fully charged headset imho.
Personally, I use the official link cable connected to my high end z790mb usb3.2 gen2 type-c port and this keeps my headsets above 80% for a very long time (+6hrs). Whether or not any non-powered link cable can help maintain headset battery charge levels depends on your motherboard usb port power outputs. I still top mine off using the supplied charger/cable once in a while.
3 weeks ago
Unfortunately, there's no any instructions about how to plug it correctly. Some guys say, that first u need to plug usb in 3.0 usb port on ur pc, and then plug type c charger into type c port on the cable. Other guys say that u need to plug charger into type c port on the cable, wait 10 seconds, and then plug it into ur 3.0 usb port on pc. Someone even said, that it works only on 100% charged battery, meanwhile other guys and other cables in their instruction say, that it starts charging after droppinng below 80% or 78%.
Anyway, thanks for replying every topic quickly.
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