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Quest 3 freezing while using Virtual Desktop and in MSFS OR DCS

Honored Guest

Hi, Having an issue with Quest 3 freezing while flying in MSFS 2020 or 2024 or DCS. When it freezes the only way to get out of VR is to shut the head set down. This leads to a second issue, as once the Quest is rebooted and I attempt to open Virtual Desktop it will not connect and it says that it cannot find any computers. I have had my Quest 3 since launch and love it. This has only happened over the past few months but it is really annoying. Can anyone suggest what may have changed as it always worked flawlessly until recently. Thanks for any help you be able to provide.


Honored Guest

I just got the Quest and finally got it hooked up with MSFS 2020. I was using Quest link at first, but that was a nightmare. So I got Virtual Desktop and I'm having the exact same issue. However mine usually happens only after I land and shut the engine off. The screen freezes, but game on computer still working and running.


I hope someone comes in with a fix. 

Honored Guest

I haven't tried this yet, but I just found this potential fix. Will try in a couple of days. Let me know if it works for you.

Honored Guest

For me too, MSFS 2020 freezing when connected via virtual desktop HEVC-10bits, quest 3 connected to a EERO 6 router.  Experience freezing.   sometime, it last 20-30 sec and sometime never recover.

no solution yet

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