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Quest 3 getting hot and noisy fan ?


I just bought a new quest 3 from Argos and as soon as your turn it on the fan starts and is noisy it sounds like white noise comeing from the speakers but it’s actually the fan it’s gets louder and quieter in 30 second bursts also the front gets hot after about five minutes and it blows very warm air into my face and makes my forehead get warm 

I want to know if this is expected from the device I really don’t want to go back to Argos as I already had a replacement because the last one had dead pixels on the screen , I don’t remember hearing the fan on the one I had before 



@Mowgsknos try a factory reset of the headset so see if it makes a difference. This has worked for people in the past.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Thank you for the advice this helped with the fan only tested for 30-40 mins but didn’t notice the fan this time once  ,  however the heat is still there the front of the headset gets almost hot and the air around my eyes is incredibly warm , this is why I only tested for 30-40 mins the heat around my eyes was uncomfortable, is this kind of heat/warmth normal ? 


Thank you for the advice this helped with the fan only tested for 30-40 mins but didn’t notice the fan this time once  ,  however the heat is still there the front of the headset gets almost hot and the air around my eyes is incredibly warm , this is why I only tested for 30-40 mins the heat around my eyes was uncomfortable, is this kind of heat/warmth normal ? 

Hi @Mowgsknos 🙂

No, the headset will go warm, that's normal....
But it should not get hot and most of all it should not be uncomfortable warm to your eyes.
Bring it back! Something is wrong with the fan.

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