01-04-2025 06:52 PM
I am currently using a quest 3 which connects to Meta quest link perfect as well as Virtual desktop without any issues. The problem that I am facing this evening is that Quest 3 is not able to select any icons nor hear any audio when connected using Mixed reality link. When I have the Mixed reality open and the Windows app (preview) on the quest it recognizes my PC and connects perfectly. The issue I am facing is when connected I literally cannot click on anything on the desktop nor select anything , Double clicking , opening up icons on the taskbar, Literally nothing is opening. Any tips on how to resolve this strange one. I mean that part I do not understand because if it is connected to the PC it should have full capabilities to access everything. TIA for any helpful hints or ideas.
BTW i have restarted , uninstalled on both the quest and PC the apps needed as well and tested audio on the virtual desktop to the quest as well as Meta link and it was successful.
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