a month ago
My left Quest 3 controller won't even light up anymore. I tried switching batteries and have confirmed even with known good battery tested in right controller. The left controller LED just doesn't turn on at all.
I've tried:
As far as I can tell, it's just dead. It was working fine last time I used it but that was probably a few months ago.
Solved! Go to Solution.
a month ago
I noticed there was a little bit of crust/battery corrosion on the battery connectors, so I cleaned it with white vinegar then rubbing alcohol. I didn't think it was very much but apparently it was enough to block the connection because now it's actually working.
I was able to pair and use with the headset (though the meta horizon app said it was updating firmware forever, but I just tried the controller in the headset and it worked).
a month ago
@DanielKyleTaylor have a look at this threat and see if it applies to your issue -
Re: Controller Battery stuck at 0% - Page 2 - Meta Community Forums - 963802
a month ago
Hi @DanielKyleTaylor
Thank you for making us aware of this problem. We want to ensure everyone enjoys their time in the metaverse, and to do this, you obviously need working controllers! Please contact us via Private Message so we can collect more information and get this resolved for you.
In order to Private Message us, all you need to do is select our name to get to our profile page, or click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember that you must be signed in to the community first to send us a private message.
We look forward to hearing from you.
a month ago
Tried the foil trick. Didn't do anything for me. Will PM support.
a month ago
I noticed there was a little bit of crust/battery corrosion on the battery connectors, so I cleaned it with white vinegar then rubbing alcohol. I didn't think it was very much but apparently it was enough to block the connection because now it's actually working.
I was able to pair and use with the headset (though the meta horizon app said it was updating firmware forever, but I just tried the controller in the headset and it worked).
a month ago
Hey again DanielKyleTaylor,
Thanks for the update! We're glad to hear that this worked for you and hope you can get back to having fun in the Metaverse - but we'd like to highlight our article on product care and best cleaning practices.
Generally we wouldn't recommend using alcohol or any liquid. To ensure the longevity of your advice, we would suggest only using a dry microfiber cloth.
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