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Quest 3 mic not working

Honored Guest

My quest 3 just buy yesterday, but the mic seems not working in all apps, the mic in keyboard is greyed and cannot use speech input, mic is switch on in setting and tried to press the meta button two times on the right hand control but showing not available, please help me how to fix it thanks 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there! We see you're having issues with your mic as it seems to be greyed out? This is not the experience you should be having with your device and we want to get a better look into this for you. Just to be on the same page where you able to reboot the headset or possibly factory reset? 


Please let us know everything you have done so far as we want to provide you with any assistance needed. We hope to hear back from you! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there! Just checking in to see if you're still in need of our assistance! We want to make sure we can get you back on track! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

please help, i'm havingthe same issue

Honored Guest

same issue, some times its there most of the time its not

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