12-20-2024 07:40 AM
I tried to provide feedback to the Meta team on this issue but apparently they have no way of accepting feedback other than through this topic system, so apologies if this is already reported or isn't the place to report etc. I'm new to this platform.
I purchased a Quest 3 and what was originally huge excitement to fire up the device soon turned into sheer frustration and almost regret at even buying it in the first place. I was unable to update the device for hours after switching it on because after connecting to my WIFI network it was constantly (literally every few seconds) connecting and disconnecting and wouldn't stop. I was completely unable to use the device. After spending hours looking at these forums, Reddit forums, Youtube videos and various websites for reasons why and trying all sorts of methods like resetting the device, resetting my router multiple times and even doing a complete factory reset, I finally found out that it's because the Quest 3 seems to struggle operating over networks using IPv6 - In which case I had to re-configure my router to IPv4 to finally get the Quest 3 to work. I tried to reset to IPv6 again but the Quest 3 just doesn't like it, so I guess I'm stuck on IPv4 for all our other devices if we want to use the Quest 3. I don't know enough about WIFI settings to know if IPv4 vs 6 has many pros/cons, but everything seems to be running as normal after this change.
Naturally this issue has been fixed now, but it was incredibly frustrating having to spend so much time finding this out and I have seen this issue posted for well over a year and it still doesn't seem to have been fixed in the latest OS for the Quest platform. I'm posting this under the recommendation of the help-chat team since they are unable to store feedback but also in case it helps anyone else. Hopefully the Meta team see this, although, respectfully, it would seem this issue still hasn't been fixed as of the end of 2024.
As a side note, the head strap that comes with the Quest 3 in my opinion is awful. It was really uncomfortable to wear for longer than 10-15 minutes. My partner felt the same way. The Kiwi strap was an absolute game changer for comfort, but I wish I didn't have to spend even more money for the most critical part of the experience.
Aside from these 2 issues we absolutely love the Quest 3 so far and it's been so much fun to use and I actively look forward to getting time to use it now that these issues are sorted, so I hope this feedback can help the team.
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