12-28-2024 12:57 PM
My brothers and I got a quest 3 for Christmas this year, and for the past few days, we have been having some problems after being powered on. The three problems that keep reoccurring are:
1. After turning it on, there is just a black screen
2. After turning it on, it asks us to switch account or continue with the last account that was active. However, the controllers and hand tracking aren’t responding
3. It starts up fine and we get into our account, but then we get stuck in passthrough. Pressing the menu button on the controller makes the sound, but doesn’t bring up the menu.
I have tried turning it off and on again and hard resetting the headset. Half of the time, it turns on and works fine, but half the time it has one of the issues I listed above. Has anyone else been having this problem or have a solution to fix this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-28-2024 03:16 PM
@RiddleGamer08 so, you've done full factory reset, and the headsets and both headsets are still having issues. Meta has been having trouble with updates recently. It still sounds like there's something wrong with the headsets and should be returned to the seller.
12-28-2024 03:16 PM
@RiddleGamer08 so, you've done full factory reset, and the headsets and both headsets are still having issues. Meta has been having trouble with updates recently. It still sounds like there's something wrong with the headsets and should be returned to the seller.
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