01-12-2025 04:30 PM
Suddenly in about a weeks time, my Quest 3 went from looking great when linked to a pc to where I can't even read the words on the settings screen.
Normally I use a link cable. But I also tried airlink, it looks just the same, terrible. If I use the Quest 3 in standalone mode, everything looks fine as always.
What I've tried:
TOTALY uninstalling the oculus link software and reinstalling.
Updating my graphics drivers on the pc to the latest.
Doing a factory reset on the headset.
My computer:
AMD 5600x cpu
Nvidia 3060ti gpu
Windows 10
Please help!
2 weeks ago
If you're still waiting on this I found that my identical symptom occured after reverting to my old RiftS for a test and then going back to a Quest3. In Graphics Preferences Rendering Resolution the default was set (1x etc etc) so I set this to Max, allowed the restart, display now fantastic, reverted back to default, and also fantastic!. For me I think that sequence forced the connection to the default state for a Quest3 but it was somehow reading a lower resolution; likely something to do with my older headset.
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