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Quest 3 tracking lost loop AGAIN !


I bought a Quest 3, 2 days ago.
First day went fine, I was very happy with my purchase.
Second day, i had the infamous "tracking lost" screen appearing once or twice but the tracking promptly resumed each time. But yesterday night, i was stuck in a loop.
I tried everything : factory reset, cleaning the camera lenses, changing room, deleting the boundaries history, charging the headset, rebooting, etc.
I still get the tracking issue.
Is it hardware issue or software issue ? I bought it in a store, how do I get a replacement from Meta if the store refuses to give me a replacement ?????



Yes, I did everything many times. Everything updated. As I already said, I work as a software developer. Tried everything possible. Tested zillions of rooms, different light schemes. Replaced batteries. Everything. I don't consider warranty options because I even don't know where I bought the googles from (probably in december 2021). I want the problem fixed or at least getting to know what failed. Not generic troubleshoot that could be applied even to my refrigerator, lol. I think we the consumers deserve it.

I mean. If so many people is reporting this problem, and so many people didn't have this problem before in the same room, stop hanging on the issue of the room light. It does not have any sense. Try to find a real and plausible explanation for the issue and then solve it.

And don't take me wrong. I want to be constructive. When I got stuck with the box "tracking lost", in the bottom of this box there is a button with "continue". But I can't reach this button because the head tracking is not working and the controls are not working either. It would be a great improvement fixing this, focusing in the button by default and allow us to click this button just by pressing the volume down button.

We absolutely appreciate the swift and thorough response, @carlos802, and we would love to work further with you to get to the bottom of that tracking issue ASAP. Just to be absolutely sure, could you let us know if those factory resets were done through the Meta Quest mobile app or the headset boot menu directly? There are many reasons a particular device could receive the "Tracking lost" error message that doesn't necessarily point to one singular cause, so we'd like to see what we can do here to check into your device specifically and see why that error might be occurring. 


Whenever you have the time, please shoot us a PM about this! Simply select our name to get to our profile page, or click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us. Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message. As you have gone over quite a lot of troubleshooting to help us narrow this down so far, this is the next best step we can recommend from here. We've appreciated your attention and effort in working with us through this, and we look forward to hearing back from you! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey, hey @carlos802! We're checking in to make sure you were able to get that headset looked into, or if you've run into any further trouble with that at all. No user should have to deal with lost access for long, and we want to make sure everything goes smoothly for you from here. Please don't hesitate to reach back out with a PM, as we'd love to help!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

My issue is a little different. My headset tracks the controllers thru the entire setup process up until it's time to setup a boundary then it freezes and loses tracking then it goes back to tracking setup and loops like this forever.

Btw I am getting ready to ship mine back in for replacement. Already replaced a controller because one day it decided not to have any firmware. Blew my mind with that one.

Hey @BeYakko. We want to help you get your controller back working for sure! Being that the controller has issues when attempting to recreate a boundary, here are some questions we have about the issue when it's occurring: 


  • Has your play area changed recently?
  • Have you tried different play spaces?
  • Are you using third-party accessories or covers with your device?
  • Are you experiencing this issue with both controllers?

Here's a link that may help you with setting the boundaries as well as the controller tracking issue. If this doesn't help, let us know so we can look into other options for you. Looking forward to working towards a resolution with you! Hope to hear from you soon. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

That sounds annoying. I believe setting up a boundary was what initially triggered my tracking issues as well. Just sent it back. Hope the new one is flawless. Really enjoy the quest 3

Hey again @BeYakko. We get it, it can seem a little daunting to apply all of the options we provided to you. But it looks like you've got something worked out already. That's great! Let us know if you have any issues with moving things along with your controller after receiving a replacement. Hopefully all goes well and nothing goes wrong. In case it does, we're here to support. You know where to reach us. Best regards!. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

hello there meta can you please tell me why your headset brakes so much and can you pay me the 100$ for the bug making lose money please and thank you. Also just telling people to go in setting isn't help full when you cant get to them or you have reset the head to normal setting again and it still wont work please make a better way to fix the headset later.  

Honored Guest

After several months of using my quest 3 (not so frequently), today I ran into the same failure: from one moment to the other I get the tracking lost message and was not able to go over it since both controllers seemed to be disconnected from the headset from this moment on. I am not sure if it's related to this issue but I could hear a buzzing sound when I placed my ear near the headset 

As a next step I tried to do a factory reset after I found this forum-thread. It was possible by using the headsets hardware buttons but after the restart of the device the screen stays black (after showing "Erasing" and the rotating Meta logo). I can only hear some music (which is probably played during the setup process) but the screen stays black. Only if I shut the device down by doing a long press on the power button, the power off dialog is shown - nothing else.

I tried the factory reset a second time but the result is identical to the first attempt.

Now I contacted the Meta support and hope to get a fast solution.

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