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Quest 3 tracking lost loop AGAIN !


I bought a Quest 3, 2 days ago.
First day went fine, I was very happy with my purchase.
Second day, i had the infamous "tracking lost" screen appearing once or twice but the tracking promptly resumed each time. But yesterday night, i was stuck in a loop.
I tried everything : factory reset, cleaning the camera lenses, changing room, deleting the boundaries history, charging the headset, rebooting, etc.
I still get the tracking issue.
Is it hardware issue or software issue ? I bought it in a store, how do I get a replacement from Meta if the store refuses to give me a replacement ?????



I'm on my third headset within 6 weeks because of this issue.

The mistake I made was accepting Meta's solution of sending me a replacement headset - they keep quiet about the fact that they're giving you a REFURBISHED device. That immediately destroys any possibility of a refund. And guess what ? That device failed a few days later. I fully expect this latest replacement to fail any time now.  All they do is offer to replace with refurbished devices until you give up, I guess.

I regret ever purchasing this thing. 


I feel like the service is inconsistent because when I asked for a replacement unit, they sent me a new one (unopened box), not a refurbished. Now the fact that you got the issue three times sucks. My actual replacement quest 3 works great, maybe I was lucky. But look again because I think that if the refurbished unit comes from Meta, it has exactly the same warranty as a new one, so if it's the same tracking issue you are having, ask again for another replacement. 

I too am now experiencing the tracking lost issue. I've enjoyed my headset for a few months with 0 issues and now all of the sudden cant get past the tracking lost screen. Ive been gentle with my device, kept it dry and out of sunlight. Only really played once a week but tonight during a game the Quest crapped out on me and every time I turn it back on the tracking is quickly lost. I will try the steps provided and will be PMing if those dont work. Frustrated

Hi there, @BIGboddyB! We're incredibly pleased to see you've sent us a PM and we're eager to explore further options for you! When you have a moment, please get back to our message and we'll be glad to continue from there! We're looking forward to hearing your next update! 

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I used Quest 2 without issues for almost two years. And now, I'm having the same problem. Tracking lost. For this reason, I'm more prone to thing it is a software problem, that arrived with some update. This fail renders my Quest 2 totally unusable. And all the meta people do is giving the same generic steps that solve nothing.

Hi @carlos802, to end the runaround, clarify the following before we dive deeper down:

We look forward to your response so that we can get you back active w/ responsive tracking! Thanks for your patience.

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I'm from Spain, living in Spain and Portugal.

I did everything. Reboot, clean the cameras, change to another room, try thousands of light configurations, many factory resets... and nothing. BTW, many of these steps I find stupid, because I used the googles for months in the same room with the same lights without any issue until the moment they simply stopped working.

I work as a software developer and I can't understand how a product like this has not a self diagnostic so that one can know what is wrong. Or why when the tracking is lost, the controls stop working and there's no a B plan to access to the menus. It's weird.

Your help limits to repeat the same useless steps...


Understood! Well a self diagnostic would certainly help us all but until then, here we are! Optimizing together as mankind. Great job executing so far but before migrating or understanding that the product is limited in countries/regions we do not fully support; review the following:

Let us know after using the above if we can further improve performance with tracking. All the best in the meantime!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


Again, the same "troubleshoot". 😧

But did you pair and unpair Touch controllers to your Meta Quest? The other instructions were mentioned but please be diligent working through our resources. We've seen updates occur automatically when unpairing/pairing devices. Be sure that drivers, OS and firmware is all "up to date." Consider sending our team a DM to discuss warranty options if not already expired. We'll stay tuned!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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