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Quest 3 tracking still flipping backwards very frequently

Honored Guest

How is there not a fix for this yet.  I just put in brand new fresh aa batteries in the controllers and I still get constant tracking errors that flips the entire display behind me.  So fun when playing beat saber and the system completely turns me around in the middle of a game...

Has anyone found a solution or setting that fixes this problem?


Expert Consultant

Are you sure it's a tracking error and not a dodgy joystick that's doing it? Does the calibration and deadzone settings page look smooth?

Not sure the joysticks are even functional when playing beat saber.  Not an issue anyways.  Joysticks are solid.  I get the tracking flip a lot even when I'm just in pass-though mode clicking on menus.  Screens will just instantly appear backwards and far away until the joycons are tracked back to where they should be...   There have been others that have reported this problem.  Some think it's a low joycon battery issue but I get it even with fresh batteries.  It's been this way for 4 or 5 months now.  I haven't used the system much since then as I figured an update would have fixed it by now.  Turns out nope

This has been discussed before in this post:

I'm still having this exact same issue...

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