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Quest 3 unable to connect to PEAP wifi

Honored Guest

My quest 3 is unable to connect to my university's wifi. This wifi uses PEAP. The problem seems to be with the CA certificate option. On my phone and other devices, the option to select "connect" is greyed out unless I use the option "Don't validate" for the CA certificate. However, the quest 3 straight up doesn't have this option. Instead it has the options to "use system certificate" (doesn't work) or to upload a certificate file.

Is there any advice to remedy this? It's worth noting that the quest can still connect to the university's guest wifi, but that is very slow.


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

I was able to connect to the wifi through the Meta Quest mobile app. I needed to tap on the quest 3, go to device settings, and connect to the wifi through there.

View solution in original post


Honored Guest

I was able to connect to the wifi through the Meta Quest mobile app. I needed to tap on the quest 3, go to device settings, and connect to the wifi through there.

Nope does not work. Absolutely horrendous sorry piece of software integrated device. First I had a drop down menu bug and now this. The mobile app method does not work. The only way in to a college network is via 'do not validate' option for CA certificate. Why hasn't meta done anything to fix this. I can see clearly many more had faced this issue before me. 

Honored Guest

For what it's worth: For me, it did work. 
Same thing with the university network. 
Strangely, installing the certificate worked, but it still didn't allow me to click connect.
However, once the certificate was installed, I could connect via the abovementioned option.

My phone was of course in the university network.
I'd think it would be the same for your case without certificate.

Connect to your quest with your phone via the meta quest app. Make sure your quest has some form of wifi, hotspot of a colleague for example. Then test if you are truly connected via streaming option in the meta quest app. 
Then in the meta quest app on your mobile, click on the quest you want to install the wifi on. 
Then click settings below, make sure to first forget the networks you previously tried to connect to.

Then just to be sure, restart your quest and connect again via the app. Confirm on the headset that the networks are indeed forgotten. Then connect via your phone as described by others.

It could also be that your headset is not up to date, perform the update.
Otherwise, connect to the service centre of meta. I'm sure they want to improve their product, connectivity is hard, even if it looks simple.

The problem could also be the IT of your university, contact them as well, I'm sure they can help you out further.

Good luck

Honored Guest

@AtomicFury wrote:

My quest 3 is unable to connect to my university's wifi. This wifi uses PEAP. The problem seems to be with the CA certificate option. On my phone and other devices, the option to select "connect" is greyed out unless I use the option "Don't validate" for the CA certificate. However, the quest 3 straight up doesn't have this option. Instead it has the options to "use system certificate" (doesn't work) or to upload a certificate file. Studying at the university is not easy anymore, and then there are problems like this. At least the assignments can be sorted out with the help of   - it has everything students need. Perhaps you will find it very useful. Try this service and free up your time for more important things.

Is there any advice to remedy this? It's worth noting that the quest can still connect to the university's guest wifi, but that is very slow.

Contact your university's IT department to obtain the certificate authority certificate file needed to connect PEAP They will be able to provide you with this file or tell you how to obtain it. I think this might help in your situation.

Honored Guest

Hi, I seem to have run into the same issue.
I can not use the app as without any network connection I can not add the Quest 3 to my account. Without that there seems to be no option to configure the WiFi settings via the app. The QR code does not support username/password login.

I do have the required CA file. I tried to load it onto the Quest using a USB stick (both NTFS and exFAT formatted), but the file browser does not seem to show the USB device and the files on it. Is there any way to copy the file to the Quest without network access?
Is there no way to do initial setup with PEAP?

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. For now I will probably use a WiFi Hotspot using my phone, but as the devices will need to be used with our university network on a regular basis, this is not a real solution in the long run.


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