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Quest 3s can't detect my PC via cable connection and vice versa

Honored Guest

I've got a Quest 3s headset for a few days now, and when I tried connecting it to my PC for the first time everything went fine (I bought a 5m long 5gbps Kiwi cable). My PC detected my headset and then, if I remember correctly, I tried doing a data transfer test, and it came up with 2.8 Gbps.
However, just after that, it couldn't detect my Quest no more and everytime I tried unplugging my headset and replugging it it had no effect, still to this day. I opened after that steam vr and that couldn't detect my headset either. I also tried the same day to use air link instead of a cable based connection, it worked flawlessly. Today I connected my phone to my pc with the cable, and I could transfer data between the two.
So the problem here is either coming from my headset, or my PC.
Any idea on how to get it fixed?


Honored Guest

Fixed it, now I just don't know how to delete this post...

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