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Quest 3s having issues using link cable to play pcvr

Honored Guest

I am trying to use my pc to play vr games through steam and dont want to use steam link. I am currently trying to use my link cable i got from the box of my quest 1. all my graphics cards are up to date, app and headset do not need an update. Its just that when i plug one end into the PC and the other into the quest3s it says "enable link?" and when i click yes to it, it sends me to the pcvr menu but at an awful bitrate and when i open a game through steam it never enables the VR headset. like the menu of the game will be on "monitor 1" but not actually in the headset. is my link cable outdated or something? is there another fix?


Honored Guest

for a non native steam vr game you would have to put something along the lines of -openvr, -openxr, -oculus in the launch parameter

if it is a native vr game your probably going to have to just google further into it per game ive found vr to be very iffy

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