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Quest Link Glitching on Connection


I wanted to play some VR games using link since most of my VR games are on PC/Steam, but the headset seemed to be having a bunch of performance and visual issues when I tried to play.

Info about my device/games/etc.

- Games Affected: VRChat, Beat Saber (legacy version legacy1.29.1_unity_ver2019.4.28f1 - pre unity upgrade build) (my Beat Saber game is modded hence the old version). Potentially more? Haven't tested.
- Apps Affected: Quest Link, SteamVR
- Devices: Windows 10 PC with 32GB of RAM running аn AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor with an Nvidia 3060 Ti with all drivers up to date.

When I tried playing a few nights ago, I seemed to just be having major performance issues when running Beat Saber. I figured my headset was just fussy that night and decided to close it down. Just yesterday when I tried to play, Quest Link didn't want to start up at all, no matter how many times I reset the headset, unplugged and plugged my cable in, etc. It didn't even want to load past the white Oculus logo. I tried starting up Beat Saber and VRChat* on my computer without turning my headset on and it seemed to work just fine with no visual lag like I was experiencing while on Link.

*While testing this, SteamVR randomly crashed with an uncoded error. The game still ran fine when I quit, I was just on desktop controls, but I assume that's the default for when no headset is detected.

I'd also like to note that my Quest Link app says my computer doesn't meet the "minimum specifications" even though it definitely should. I have a Quest 3S I recently got as well, should I set that up and swap them out to see if that fixes anything?


Accepted Solutions


@BlankTheYeet  Not exactly a powerhouse PC by today's standards (esp your cpu imho) but you should still be able to get most not too complex pcvr apps to run ok.  VRchat may be an exception since it does seem to be a little power hungry.  You may be better off running that standalone with the Quest headset app. 

Also, you don't say what link cable you are using.  Hopefully it's a decent usb3 link cable (don't use the included charging cable because that's just usb2 and only meant for power/charging).  Go to the meta-link pc app device tab and run the usb speed test.  You should get at least 2.2-2.4Gbps (you may need to run this a few times to get a consistent reading).  If you cannot get this try another usb3 port and/or cable.  Also make sure to disconnect any unnecessary usb devices so you don't run out of usb bandwidth.  check your win0/11 device manager usb ports/properties and disable any power saving options.  Also, go to your win10/11 graphics settings and disable hardware acceleration graphics (hags).  HAGS is enabled by default with win11 btw.

Main things I can suggest;

SteamVR set visuals manually (not auto) to 100%.  Steam tends to over estimate what it wants to use in auto.  Also, avoid enrolling in the SteamVR Beta.

Nvidia control panel 3d global settings all defaults except power = prefer max performance and change the Quality default below this to High Performance.  I've found that nvidia driver 560.94 works best for me right now.  I also use DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall previous drivers beforehand (google how to do this).

Meta link pc app device graphics try 80Hz refresh rate with res slider at ~1.2x.  You can fine tune this later.  I've found that 80Hz looks as good as 90Hz to my eyes and gives you a little more headroom.  Avoid using 120Hz because this is a real performance killer.

Oculus debug Tool (ODT, google how to find this).  All settings default/zeros except distortion = low and encoding bitrate = 400mbps (may be able to increase this to 500mbps later).

Anyway, try all (not just some) of these suggestions and see how you go.  After making changes it's best to restart everything.  If you still have problems with the meta-link app (again, avoid beta) you may need to download the meta-link app from the meta support website again and run a Repair.

All I can think of right now.  Good luck mate and cheers.

Otherwise, contact meta support including your log files I guess.


i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

View solution in original post



@BlankTheYeet  Not exactly a powerhouse PC by today's standards (esp your cpu imho) but you should still be able to get most not too complex pcvr apps to run ok.  VRchat may be an exception since it does seem to be a little power hungry.  You may be better off running that standalone with the Quest headset app. 

Also, you don't say what link cable you are using.  Hopefully it's a decent usb3 link cable (don't use the included charging cable because that's just usb2 and only meant for power/charging).  Go to the meta-link pc app device tab and run the usb speed test.  You should get at least 2.2-2.4Gbps (you may need to run this a few times to get a consistent reading).  If you cannot get this try another usb3 port and/or cable.  Also make sure to disconnect any unnecessary usb devices so you don't run out of usb bandwidth.  check your win0/11 device manager usb ports/properties and disable any power saving options.  Also, go to your win10/11 graphics settings and disable hardware acceleration graphics (hags).  HAGS is enabled by default with win11 btw.

Main things I can suggest;

SteamVR set visuals manually (not auto) to 100%.  Steam tends to over estimate what it wants to use in auto.  Also, avoid enrolling in the SteamVR Beta.

Nvidia control panel 3d global settings all defaults except power = prefer max performance and change the Quality default below this to High Performance.  I've found that nvidia driver 560.94 works best for me right now.  I also use DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall previous drivers beforehand (google how to do this).

Meta link pc app device graphics try 80Hz refresh rate with res slider at ~1.2x.  You can fine tune this later.  I've found that 80Hz looks as good as 90Hz to my eyes and gives you a little more headroom.  Avoid using 120Hz because this is a real performance killer.

Oculus debug Tool (ODT, google how to find this).  All settings default/zeros except distortion = low and encoding bitrate = 400mbps (may be able to increase this to 500mbps later).

Anyway, try all (not just some) of these suggestions and see how you go.  After making changes it's best to restart everything.  If you still have problems with the meta-link app (again, avoid beta) you may need to download the meta-link app from the meta support website again and run a Repair.

All I can think of right now.  Good luck mate and cheers.

Otherwise, contact meta support including your log files I guess.


i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


@TomCgcmfc I'm typing this post while having my headset on and testing stuff out, so some things are probably gonna be weird or not line up.
- I guess that PC part's fair since I haven't really played anything graphically stressful lately to overclock it. Was thinking about it but decided against it, so I'll see if maybe switching the headset works if nothing else here improves this.

- Cable test took <10 seconds and ran back a 2.3 Gbps speed. All of my ports are weird, so I would have no clue which the headset would be on. The device is recognized at least, so no issues with the port. List for context:


- HAGS is disabled already. SteamVR isn't in beta, only the Beat Saber app. I turned the two settings in control panel on, and not only does Link work again, but all my games run perfectly fine now!

@BlankTheYeet  Glad it’s working ok now, thanks for letting us know.

As far as usb ports go, just right click on these one at a time, then properties and if there is a power tab select it and make sure to untick power savings.  Do this with all of them.

i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers
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