11-22-2023 04:59 PM
I've checked on the website regarding the requirements for a headset, and it says that all 40 series GPU's are supported, however, looking online, I've been told that the 4050 is incompatible with Quest link.
11-24-2023 02:43 AM
Hi @OvenPenguin
It will work but it will just have poor performance in some titles. I believe the 4050 is a Laptop only chip which does limit it somewhat.
Doing a little research it seems the 4050 mobile chip is about the same as a 2060 desktop chip. This still runs things like Half Life Alyx with no issue. If you already have the laptop you may as well buy a cable and check it out for yourself or even better give it a try with Airlink!
Happy Gaming!
12-04-2023 03:33 PM
Hi there, @OvenPenguin! It's crucial for us to make sure you have all the information you need to get that Quest link connection working, so we're glad you reached out! To clarify, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40-series have all been tested and confirmed supported for that Quest Link connection, so no worries there. As long as your PC meets all of the other requirements needed for that connection, it should work as intended! Here's a link to those requirements needed for compatibility, in case you need it! If you're ever in need of a helping hand in the future, don't hesitate to reach back out to let us know. We'd like to do everything we can to ensure your VR experience is thriving!
12-05-2023 03:45 PM
Howdy, howdy! We're checking in to make sure there are no further questions or concerns we can help out with. We'd like to make sure everything went smoothly for you along the way, so please don't hesitate to reach back out if you run into any roadblocks. We're here to help!
12-11-2023 05:52 AM - edited 12-11-2023 06:04 AM
So I've got Lenovo LOQ gaming laptop with:
and USB 3.2 ports. Oculus software still says the machine doesn't meet the minimum requirements, without specifying further. So what could it be? It's connected with a cable that works with my desktop. Thanks!
No worries, ran the link test and all it was was not being connected to a router via LAN cord.
12-14-2023 07:28 AM
Hey @larson800! There's all sorts of neat stuff to see and experience on the PCVR side of Quest, so we're happy to help if you still need it! It seems like you've figured it all out, but we just wanted to check in to make sure everything was all good still!
04-06-2024 11:50 PM
Hey did you get it worked out. I just recently got a acer helios neo 16 with the rtx 4050 and it connects via the link but the framerate plummets to unstable/unuseable.
04-08-2024 01:37 PM
Hey there, @FamilyGoulart! We understand you were encountering some trouble with the frame rate with PCVR when using the link. Certainly understand wanting to be able to enjoy VR with the smoothest frame rate possible and we will work together on this. To get started please try the troubleshooting steps below
Should it continue please let us know and we will continue to work together on this. We look forward to hearing back!
04-10-2024 09:32 AM
Hey, @FamilyGoulart, were you able to give the troubleshooting we provided a go? Did it resolve your issue? We are eagerly awaiting your response and hope to hear from you soon! Thank you for your time.
05-15-2024 08:22 PM - edited 05-15-2024 08:27 PM
I'd like to understand why my computer's graphics card is RTX4050, but after successfully connecting with Quest Link, when I open the 'Desktop' feature from the menu, the screen is black. However, I can still interact with the computer. How can I solve this problem?
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