12-27-2024 11:47 AM
Last year I got both left and right quest pro controllers for Christmas, later in 2024 I broke the left one. Then this Christmas I got a replacement, a fresh new left controller. Then just a couple of minutes ago. I hit something and it stops working just like the last one. I just got it. So I hit it and it disconnected and my hand in game drifted away. After that I look at the controller and it got a mark. It’s off so I hold down menu then it blinks blue one time, then it blink blue for a couple of second to around a minuet, then stops. This is exactly what happened to the original left controller. I don’t have another $150 dollars, no one I know has $150. Some one please help, I just started playing again and I can’t anymore. Remember they are quest pro controllers. Also by the way my headset is the quest 2. @MetaQuestSupport
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-27-2024 11:58 AM
So more in-depth. Right now it is not blinking at all, no lights or anything. After pressing every button nothing changes still no lights. Holding down menu causes it to blink blue then continue blinking blue for some time. Also immediately after releasing any button that causes the controller lights to change it goes back to black, then starts blinking. I’ve tried to reset it by doing Menu+x and tried repairing it to the headset. Resetting it causes it to flash red and white and after releasing it they went straight back to off. Holding it down longer causes it to continue blinking. When trying to repair it to the headset it flashes green two times then it stays on blue for a while then turns off. I don’t know what to do. If this is unfixable is there any way I may get a new one? I would really like to keep playing.
12-27-2024 11:59 AM
One more thing is that there is no vibration what so ever.
12-27-2024 11:59 AM
12-27-2024 12:21 PM
I don’t need help anymore.
12-27-2024 11:58 AM
So more in-depth. Right now it is not blinking at all, no lights or anything. After pressing every button nothing changes still no lights. Holding down menu causes it to blink blue then continue blinking blue for some time. Also immediately after releasing any button that causes the controller lights to change it goes back to black, then starts blinking. I’ve tried to reset it by doing Menu+x and tried repairing it to the headset. Resetting it causes it to flash red and white and after releasing it they went straight back to off. Holding it down longer causes it to continue blinking. When trying to repair it to the headset it flashes green two times then it stays on blue for a while then turns off. I don’t know what to do. If this is unfixable is there any way I may get a new one? I would really like to keep playing.
12-27-2024 11:59 AM
One more thing is that there is no vibration what so ever.
12-27-2024 11:59 AM
12-27-2024 12:21 PM
I don’t need help anymore.
12-27-2024 01:40 PM
did you fix it??
01-08-2025 06:50 AM
How did you fix it cause I'm having the same issue and I would really like to get mine working so I can hop back on gorilla tag
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