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Quest Refarrel

Honored Guest

Hi, my quest 3 arrived 3 days ago but even tho its been only 3 days it doessnt let me use an referral code thats pretty unfair as people need to get familiar first before beeing able to know that theres an referral system and that you get store credit, I've been pretty happy so far with my quest 3 but I was hyped to be abale to use an referral code and than beeing able to buy a game since the quest2/oculus2 I was interested in VR as it was the first time I've heard where you can use a VR Heaset without a PC. I was really happy and already planned the game I wanted to buy with the store credit bestsabers, If possible please change this system or help me out as the reason I suddenly purchased a quest 3 was becasue of the referral system so I can play beatsabers.

Thanks for reading and I hope that theres a way to solve this issue


I live in Germany


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