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Quest for Business - Enable Meta Store for Intune managed Devices

Honored Guest

Hello everyone,

We’re planning to manage our Meta Quest for Business (MQ4B) devices via Microsoft Intune, and we have a few open questions:

  1. Is the Meta Store enabled by default for Intune-managed devices?

    • If not, are there plans to make this available in the future?
  2. Is there a way to enable it through configuration adjustments?

    • Perhaps by modifying the JSON configuration file or using the OEMConfig app?

Our goal is to centrally manage these devices while ensuring controlled access to the Meta Store, for example, to allow supervised app installations or updates.

If anyone has experience integrating the Meta Store into an Intune-managed environment or knows of any useful resources, I’d greatly appreciate your tips and suggestions!

Thank you in advance. 😊

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