08-02-2023 03:43 PM - last edited on 08-02-2023 03:51 PM by FunkyTanuki
i recently got meta quest+
the games i got i tried to download but one of them was only for quest 2. the other one says its compatible with quest 1 in the description, but when i try and download it it says its not compatible with quest 1
help pls?
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-03-2023 07:29 AM
For some reason the signup page for Quest+ doesn't mention it, but the announcement blog post from Meta says Quest+ only works on Quest 2, Quest Pro and Quest 3 headsets.
I guess even if a game supports Quest 1, you won't be able to redeem it on a Quest 1.
08-03-2023 12:19 AM
Quest 1 has gone end-of-life so I doubt Meta will prioritise it in Quest+. You may want to consider cancelling your subscription before it goes up to full price.
08-03-2023 07:29 AM
For some reason the signup page for Quest+ doesn't mention it, but the announcement blog post from Meta says Quest+ only works on Quest 2, Quest Pro and Quest 3 headsets.
I guess even if a game supports Quest 1, you won't be able to redeem it on a Quest 1.
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