03-22-2024 10:44 PM
Hi there. I'm using my quest pro to play PCVR. After a firmware update on my controllers they started to go to sleep after 10 seconds of not moving. My hands disappear in game until i move again. This is so annoying! There is no setting to change this behavior (there should be). Please, I'm begging you, change this behavior or add a setting to control the sleep timer. And no, using hand tracking won't help, I need my controllers. Also I never had issues with battery life! Please change this, the headset is literally unusable now for vrchat now! It's the only reason I bought it!
04-04-2024 01:27 PM
Hey @MIVA-Nyan! We appreciate you reaching out to us about your experience with controller sleep duration! We understand how important it is to have access to your controllers, especially when playing VRCHAT! To get a better idea, there's a couple of things that we would like to check on:
We look forward to hearing back from you!
04-04-2024 01:44 PM
Hello, thank you for your reply.
04-04-2024 03:45 PM
Of course! However, after further looking, it doesn't seem troubleshooting steps would be of use. The sleep time duration is a feature provided to help preserve battery life. You are always welcome to offer suggestions in our ideas forum, our developers are constantly looking for ways to improve our systems!
Please let us know if you found this useful or need anymore assistance! We hope to hear from you again!
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