01-06-2025 11:25 PM
Quest pro controller is stuck on (Starting update). I had my left one sent in, but I got a refurbished one back. I was using a 2nd pair of quest pro controllers, until the left joystick died on one. I got the new one, undid the sticker, and paired. It's in the world, and tracks the heading and slant of itself, but not where it is in the world. I keep trying too update it, but it won't work. I tried "Factory reset of controller" restart controller and headset. Updated headset. Unpair and repair. Keeps getting stuck. Help. Please.
4 weeks ago
I have a pair that I haven't used in a while and I just tried pairing them and am getting the same thing. I've restarted, repaired, an reset the controllers and still just says update "starting", but isn't moving past that point. Tracking is also way off like you say, they're within maybe a foot of my hands, but they don't move right. Rolling the controller makes the simulated controller move in a more sweeping motion. It's pretty much useless until we get a firmware update.
4 weeks ago
@Campfire98768 @SimpleCJ are you using the controllers with a quest 2 or 3? Some people have got their controllers updated by finding someone with a Quest pro, pairing the controllers to that, updating the controllers and then re-pairing them back to your headset.
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