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Quest pro will not boot past Meta logo screen

Honored Guest

Hello, while playing last night approx. 24 hours ago my Quest Pro shut down. Every time I reboot it goes to the Meta Horizon OS logo screen, it spins once or twice and starting to make the loading noise, it then has the sound of fans turning on and it then turns off and restarts the process over and over. 
1. I've gone to the USB update screen and tried powering off from there then after several hours trying to turn it back on.
2. I've tried to factory reset it, which takes me to the erasing screen then immediately back to the log screen and the process restarts 
3. I've tried the side load update option it does not change anything
4. It is not and will not connect/be identified by my phone or my gaming PC
5. Power is at 100% with a green light while charging. I've tried booting it while connected to several different power sources while booting. 
6. I tried locating and cleaning any sensors like the proximity sensor, but cannot find it on the Pro.


I do notice the light change to a lighter color at times, I'm not sure what that indicates. It then goes back to being green.

Please advise any other tips.

My warranty expired March 2024 
Do you have a repair location I can take or send it to?

I would gladly trade Meta this in for a Quest 3, which is half the price of a Pro.

Matthew Wallace

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Mattyice2145,


It is understandably frustrating to have issues in booting with your Meta Quest Pro and we genuinely appreciate the troubleshooting steps you have performed in order to fix the issue. As we intend to look into this for you, could we please request you to send us PM?


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@Mattyice2145  if you have any technical skills, you could dismantle the headstrap assembly and disconnect the battery, drain any capacitors by pushing the on button, reconnecting the battery and trying to restart the headset.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I tried tonight. The recessed screws in the back of the headset are TINY and TOUGH to get to and create enough force to get out. I'm going to borrow some other tools tomorrow and try again. 

Matthew Wallace

Hey Mattyice2145,

Did you ever figure it out, I ran into the exact same issue and tried everything. Even contacted Meta support and they told me they had exhausted all troubleshooting options and can't help because Meta no longer carries the Quest Pro. Any help is appreciated!!!

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