10-17-2023 09:36 PM
Hi, I've seen one post on this here:
I've followed all of the directions in the list provided by the Meta Community Manager. I also uninstalled Virtual Desktop. After, I was able to set up the Oculus App and actually connected to the App via Air Link and Cable (Quest Link). I noted that despite deleting all of my appdata info, the Oculus App still shows my old Quest2, along with my kids. Despite all this, my Quest 3 is able to get in to Oculus home and see my library. All of my games were still there and didn't need to be downloaded.
Here's the kicker though, I can't get any games to work properly from the Oculus App.
I've connected to the Oculus App via Quest Link, Air Link and Virtual Desktop. When I attempt to start a game like Golf+, it starts properly on the computer, but it will not show up in the headset. I've tried via cable, via wifi and via Virtual Desktop. Nothing works. And I've reinstalled everything except the games, the Oculus App and Virtual Desktop.
11-08-2023 01:39 PM
Hey @BoxBoxBx! We thank you for trying some steps on your own; it lets us know you're ahead of the game. We understand that you're unable to get any games to work properly from the Oculus app. We know how this can affect your time in the VR world. No worries; we'd love to help! Could you please do the following:
We look forward to your response!
11-09-2023 02:07 PM
Hey there! We're just following up with you to see if you still need assistance. If so, please provide the information from our previous message and we'll assist. We hope you have a great day!
03-02-2024 07:41 AM
I'm having the same issue have done all of this and still nothing. Stop repeating whats already on the website and give us an actual fix please.
03-03-2024 09:28 AM
Hey there, @cotaz67! Getting you properly connected to the PCVR world is important to us, so we wanted to pop in to assist further! In order for us to get a better idea of this situation, could you please clarify, have you ever been able to successfully connect this headset to this PC via Air Link or Quest Link in the past? Are you running into any specific error messages? If so, please share those for reference. Also, is your PC fully compatible to support this connection, as listed here? Keep us updated and we can continue from there!
03-04-2024 09:44 AM
Hello, hello, @cotaz67! We're reaching back out to check that you were able to get your Quest Link and Air Link successfully connected. If you still need assistance, please don't hesitate to let us know and be sure to share those requested details from our last post for reference. We're eager to hear from you!
12-10-2024 05:33 PM
Did you find a solution? I've having the same problem.
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