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QuestLink renders _additional_ cursor, how to disable it?

Honored Guest

- Windows 11 with Meta Quest Link
- Quest 3 cabled (Long USB 3.1 Cable) to Windows Computer running Meta Quest Link

What works:
- Using Controller to Navigate and interact with Computer.
- Start 2D Games, and playing them on a huge virtual monitor in front of my face.

What doesn't work:
- Disable the ******* annoying White Cursor that is additionaly rendert by QuestLink. Addtional? Yes! Cause when you start a Game with a different then normal Windows Cursor (in my case "Ready or Not") you'll see the in-game Menü Cursor on the Monitor, and the in-game Cursor PLUS the White cursor on the Quest3. As additional hint: The ugly white one is faded out after a few seconds and comes back as soon as you move the Mouse.

Escpecially annoying when you start to then play around of "Ready or Not", cause it's a shooter where you're not supposed to have a Mouse Cursor rendered ontop of everything when you look around.

So, where can i getrid of that Cursor? I'm fine with having that cursor when using the Quest-Controllers, but i use my hardware Mouse and it still shows up.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @vanSalzig! Thanks so much for providing such a detailed account of your experience. We completely understand how having too many cursors on your screen can be, at the very least, distracting. We'd be happy to look into this further and offer any troubleshooting steps you haven't already attempted. 


Below, we've listed a set of questions to help us get a better idea of what's happening as well as let us know what you've already attempted:


  • Does this also happen over Air Link?
  • Is this only happening in Ready or Not? 
    • Or have you experienced this issue in any other games or apps?
  • Have you confirmed that the headset is connected to the correct GPU? 
    • Both the headset and computer monitor must be plugged into the same graphics card. 
      • This is not possible on some laptop computers due to their design. 
  • Have you confirmed the GPU drivers are up-to-date?
  • Does anything change when launching the PC VR app by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting "Run as Administrator"?
  • Have you tried any other Windows user account with admin permissions?
  • Have you tried to run a repair on the PCVR app?
    • Download and run the Oculus Installation Software (
    • You will see a screen that says "Already Installed".
    • Click the "Repair" option, and confirm again on the next screen.
  • Have you also manually uninstalled and installed the Oculus Desktop App?

We look forward to hearing more! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Pretty much the same issue. In my case, it isn't Ready or Not, it is Call of Duty, but the same issue. I use Quest Link and Occulus to connect. Create a desktop window and use my desktop as normal but on a big VR screen. Launch Call of Duty. Everything works great. When I get into the game, there is a mouse cursor sitting in the middle of the screen (which disappears when I am using a normal desktop). I just want to turn this Virtual Quest Link cursor off. If I could do that, everything would be perfect. As it is, everything runs great, but in first-person-shooters, the quest link mouse cursor remains visible in the center of the screen and it should disappear like a normal mouse cursor does.  This also happens in other games, but is most annoying in first-person shooters where PC users us the mouse as an aiming device.

Honored Guest

Found a brief workaround that works for a bit until the cursor remanifests itself. If you go into Mixed Reality mode (via doubletap method on the side of the Quest 3) and then go back into immersive right away using the same method, the cursor disappears for a bit. Until the game remanifests the cursor (so for me in CoD, it's whenever I open a lootcrate and the cursor pops back up. Then when I close the crate or my backpack or whatever, the cursor is right in the middle of the screen again like before and it won't go away until I double tap passthrough and then doubletap back into the Link desktop.

Honored Guest

btw, this is unrelated to steam or any form of overlay software, as the big white cursor is also rendered when on desktop with only the official Oculus App open and in view.

- QuestLink, independent of connection
- Happens also without anything else then the Meta Quest App on Desktop (Big White Cursor instead of normal Cursor)
- Quest is not connected to GPU, but USB-3.2 Card, cause GPU doesn't provide USB-C Connection.
- How should Admin priviledge remove an additional cursor your software is rendering? Is "run as admin" a magic bug fix that removes part of your application code?

Hey there, again we appreciate your patience on this issue. We want to make sure your gaming experience is optimal for you, however Ready or Not is currently not part of our Meta supported applications. Is this an issue that you are also experiencing on our other Meta Quest 3 supported games as well?

Additionally we have also found deleting and reinstalling the app can also assist with this issue as well. Let us know if this helps!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Looks like you're unable to read, I'll happily repeat it for you: 
"- Happens also without anything else then the Meta Quest App on Desktop (Big White Cursor instead of normal Cursor)"

Hi @vanSalzig. We apologize for the miscommunication. We want you to feel heard and would love to keep assisting you if it is still needed. Please let us know. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

I have the same issue, a big white windows cursor at the center of my monitor, I don't know how to hide it, it always shows and it's annoying

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