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Question about necroposting


Idk how to explain this but, is there a limit to how long you have to reply to a post. Like, I don't wanna get banned for replying to a post that's like 2 months old. Or is there no limit?


Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey there! We don't ban anyone for posting on an old thread, we just ask that you don't reply to something that's incredibly old. Most of the time there's a newer post for the same thing or something similar. If we notice something old got replied to, we'll pop in and let you know that we're gonna lock it to prevent more replies. Don't let that stop you from replying to anything though! If we lock it, all that means is that there's a newer post where the conversation is more active. Hope this helps!

"I Have Found That People Lie, Most Often Deceiving Themselves. Not So The Dead. The Dead Are So Very, Very Loud. And Yet, Lying Is Not In Their Nature. It Is So... Humbling, To Listen To The Dead Speak."
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