09-29-2016 08:09 AM - last edited on 06-18-2024 07:39 AM by ThyRuinedKing
Title asks it all, i hope.
i have tried out many VR experiences and deleted them after trying, ABE VR being an example. If i let a person use my rift without me being there it would be possible for them to re-instal ABE VR just by going to the 'Not installed' section in the Oculus library.
It should be possible for us users to delete old references to uninstalled VR experiences and to be honest I fail to see the point of having them there at all. I have a good memory of what I didn't enjoy while keeping the best.
I've tried uninstalling Oculus (removed everything Oculus inc hidden files) and reinstalling it but I guess all the info of our old programs are attached to our accounts on a remote server somewhere buried deep in a desert and oculus simply digs them up and reinstalls them !
If anyone's found a way of deleting the old titles "Not installed" from the library menu permanently please tell me how you did it.
Solved! Go to Solution.
09-18-2017 10:30 AM
12-31-2017 05:33 AM
09-29-2016 09:13 AM
I think the problem is when you get a free item it still adds it like a purchase.
It makes sense that not installed purchases are there, but not free stuff, but I don't think it knows the difference.
I agree it would be nice to completely remove some of the garbage free stuff I want rid of.
09-29-2016 09:24 AM
09-29-2016 09:35 AM
09-29-2016 10:23 AM
09-29-2016 11:10 AM
09-29-2016 11:54 AM
09-29-2016 02:06 PM
09-30-2016 12:01 PM
09-30-2016 01:25 PM
good point.. but.. if one uninstalls something it's pretty intentional <are you sure? click here etc> so common sense prevails.
Very happily to wave goodbye to 'Farlands' for example and Elite dangerous is something I mistakenly thought needed installing despite owning it outside Oculus.
There must be someone out there who's found the hidden file that needs 'tweaking' to enable a users edit of the "Not installed" list??
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