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Really stuttery and glitchy via air link on quest 3.
Honored Guest

Hi! So there’s a very annoying issue whenever I play with air link. My game randomly freezes and after it freezes it starts to shake in game after the smallest movements. I have a 4070 rtx and 32 gb of ram, and 5G internet with a Ethernet cable; my pc meets all the requirements and yet it still does this. I’m only making this because I haven’t seen any other people talk about this.


Accepted Solutions


I play with USB Link cable to avoid this. Any other traffic / interference on the wifi network can cause this.  You can get a separate wifi6e card for pc and access point  for a dedicated VR only 6ghz network. (I'm assuming quest 3)

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Consultant  how far are you from the router, as although you have a good internet connection going to the PC, it's the headset distance from the router that can cause stutter freeze issues.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I play in the same room as my router.

Do you also get the glitching when connected via the link cable.  Do yo get the same glitching if you try the SteamLink app?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

I haven’t tried link cable yet, I’ll try later. But when I use steam link it’s not the same glitch but it also glitches.


I play with USB Link cable to avoid this. Any other traffic / interference on the wifi network can cause this.  You can get a separate wifi6e card for pc and access point  for a dedicated VR only 6ghz network. (I'm assuming quest 3)

Ill try a link cable.

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