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Rec Room Stuck at "Logging into account" on Meta Quest 2.


I have tried playing Rec Room since last night, but it keeps getting stuck at the logging in part. If I wait long enough, I get the error code "note". From what I know, the Rec Room servers are all fine because I can still access the game and completely load in on my Xbox One S. I tried deleting the game and reinstalling it and also have tried rebooting the headset. Am I just screwed or is there something I can do about this?


Honored Guest

I'm having the same problem now how can I fix this again I couldn't see the response to fix it 

Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey @catdaddylu! As previously mentioned by @MetaQuestSupport, the team that supports Rec Room will have the better tools to assist with this issue. You can reach out to them through the link here: Rec Room Support. I hope this was able to provide clarification on the solutions!

"They say that the best blaze burns the brightest when circumstances are at their worst."

This is not a solution and rec room is my favorite game and I can’t please for the love of god stop gatekeeping and tell me how to fix it pleaseeeee

They don’t respond please help me

Didn’t work

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