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Referenced device missing position: headset (1971005).

Honored Guest
I'm experiencing an issue with my sensor detecting my headset.

In HOME, when I try to Reset the Position, I get this message:

Something went wrong, we are working on getting it fix as soon as we can (OVR49108750). Referenced device missing position: headset (1971005).

Any thought on what this might be?

I get the same message. I've just had a replacement Rift if that makes any difference.

Honored Guest
Sorry to hear that Hendozero. Hopefully someone from support will see our posts and gives us some guidance. Let me know if you make any progress at your end, would you?

Honored Guest
Same here, I got my Rift back in July and this is the first time I've seen this message. Worked just fine until today.

Honored Guest
Welcome Wasbee. Sounds like it my be something to do with a recent update? I've only just noticed it happening. 

Honored Guest
Any news on this? I have the same problem since yesterday.

Positional headtracking in games also doesnt work.

Honored Guest
I have the same message and lack of positional tracking...time to contact support!

Honored Guest
Just received my replacement and now I have the same error message.
Does anyone received some info or a solution from support?

Honored Guest

Just received my replacement and now I have the same error message.
Does anyone received some info or a solution from support?

Just found out that no LEDs are visible on the front, hence the tracking problem.
Hopefully I can enjoy the magic of a perfect working unit very soon. 

Heroic Explorer
Damn guys.  The worse that has happened to me so far is both of my touch controllers trigger dampeners are gone already so they just make a clack when I close the trigger but.  it didn't bother me on the n64 it wont bother me much now
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