04:29 PM
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05:36 PM
Let me start first with a mad whinge! The pain in dealing with Meta support uhhhhhhhh. I have dealt with 4 ppl on chat and they just don't even try to understand you and close the chat . Then I message support here and get generic copy and paste messages which don't even address my issue. Yes I know the yearly limit is US $599 for referrals, that's not my problem support staff! Stop copying and pasting.
So I clicked and redeemed 15 of my referrals, but only 7 of them got credited to my account! 8 of them have disappeared into the ether even though they showed redeemed in the Referrals screen.
So things that Meta support have already asked which don't even make sense:
* You've reached your limit of US $599 (~$890 AUD). ANSWER: Well I've redeemed 15 referrals which should total around $850 AUD so yes I have and l can't redeem anymore. But hello I'm not trying to redeem more, that's not my issue. My issue is that if you checked my Balance history, I've only received credit of $329 AUD, I'm missing $500+ in credit!!! So stop copying and pasting this info like it solves the problem.
* You need to wait 5 business days. ANSWER: This is just a cop out because the support rep wanted to get rid of me. It's a redemption of credit and should happen instantaneously, which it did for the ones that worked.
* The referred hasn't activated their device. ANSWER: Wow! The Meta support staff then also confirmed that you can only get the Referral after they have activated the device, and so their device should be activated already! Omg. And then they still insist I need to go and reach out to confirm their devices has been activated. What another cop out resolution. Ridiculous!
Now I'm almost just going to give up because I'm just going in circles with support and getting stupid non answers. And I'm really doubting I will get my lost $500 worth of credits. But yeh won't be bothering with spreading the word and working so hard to refer people. Wasting my time.
12-01-2024 12:19 AM
Hi, I have the same problem. I took credits from 7 referrals and that's it, the list disappeared in Meta Horizon App. Support says that everything is fine with me.
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