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Referral Link Issue

Honored Guest


I invited my friend to create a Meta account using the referral link I sent him. He followed the steps:

  • Created a Meta account through the link.
  • Purchased a headset via Amazon.
  • Activated the headset.

His username is "ginkoff". We were really looking forward to receiving the €30 credit to buy Dungeon of Eternity, but neither of us has received it.

Could you please help us resolve this issue?

I live in France, and my friend resides in Spain.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



Hi @pigeonramier 🙂

sometimes it takes a few days for the store credit to appear.

If you've already waited a few days and nothing shows up, send a PM @MetaQuestSupport so they can look into that.

Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

Ok thanks

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