12-25-2024 03:01 AM
I just received a referral link from a friend and wanted to activate the referral.
it says (translated from german)
I just created the account a few days ago . What do I need to do? I do not want to send the headset back nor create a separate account.
Referral could not be accepted There is a problem when accepting the referral. You may not be eligible because the country or region is not supported. You may have referred yourself as a referral, you may have already accepted the referral, or you may not have reached the minimum age for the program yet.
12-25-2024 03:04 AM
Sorry that was a bit confusing.
The error says:
Referral could not be accepted There is a problem when accepting the referral. You may not be eligible because the country or region is not supported. You may have referred yourself as a referral, you may have already accepted the referral, or you may not have reached the minimum age for the program yet.
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