12-31-2024 11:37 AM
I recently purchased a brand new quest 3. The instructions for using this referral code are very poorly written. I have followed the instructions and am still getting a message that says I'm not eligible nor is the person who referred me. This has been my first experience with the Meta and I am currently very discouraged by this. Having my first experience with the entire system already be frustrating and negative is causing me to stay rethink the purchase. This was by no means a quick decision for me and for the price I paid for this device I would expect much better right off the jump. I believe I sent something thru the horizon app under *report a problem* but was not given any information regarding how my issues would be followed up. I have worked in customer service for twenty years including being tech support for Dell. I wasn't given an order code, any automated response or anything to verify my issue would be addressed. What else do I need to do??
12-31-2024 01:17 PM - edited 12-31-2024 01:17 PM
Hi @CosmicNiNi 🙂
What you did was sending a bug report....you won't get an answer or ticket number for that, it's just to let Meta know about a problem.
You can open a support ticket here:
tab on "this did not solve my issue", it 'll bring you to email, chat and WhatsApp with support.
Or you can send a PM @MetaQuestSupport
click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
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