12-29-2024 02:32 AM - edited 12-29-2024 04:28 AM
So, I used a referral code to get $60 of credit when activating my headset and I don't know if I have to wait for it to go through as I just did it a bit ago. Also, when I click the link again it says, "There was an issue accepting this referral. You may not be eligible because the country or region is not supported, you referred yourself, you already accepted this referral or you do not meet the age requirements for the program." The code is for the US and that's where I am so it's not that and I meet the age requirements and I didn't refer myself so I already accepted it and I didn't get any credit. I got a used quest 2 (It was reset) so that might be why it didn't work but I don't know if that's it. If anyone can help that'll be great. EDIT: If I do get the credits I'll delete this post. EDIT X2: I have the same problem as https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Get-Help/Referral-credit-for-new-Quest-not-working/td-p/127688...
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-29-2024 04:44 AM
12-29-2024 02:41 AM
Same issue, and I can't send the message to the support team. It first says "Correct the highlighted errors and try again", then "You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later."
12-29-2024 04:25 AM
I can't even find out how to contact the support team all I can find is the meta.com/help/quest site and it doesn't help at all
12-29-2024 04:39 AM - edited 12-29-2024 04:39 AM
I use this link, click "This did not solve my issue" to send a email to the support team.
12-29-2024 04:44 AM
12-29-2024 05:03 AM - edited 12-29-2024 05:08 AM
My headset is new, just activated yesterday. But I still can't get the bonus.
12-29-2024 05:04 AM
Hi there! Thanks for reaching out.
You can PM us directly on here. Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
Hope to hear from you soon!
12-29-2024 05:15 AM
Yeah, I replied to @charmando.761527 ...... he said, he has a used one.
You are already in touch with support, right?
I hope, this get resolved fast.🤞
Have fun with your Quest.🙂
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