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Remote Desktop on MacOS and Video Streaming Problems


To work around problems streaming content from certain services like Hulu and Paramount+, I installed the Meta Remote Desktop client on my Macbook Air M1 2020. I have the latest MacOS 15.2. No matter which browser I use (Chrome or Safari so far) when I play content on a streaming service, I hear audio but no video (black background). If I hover the mouse over the progress bar it shows video in a thumbnail. Once I remove my headset the video appears.

Any ideas?


Accepted Solutions


I found a solution from an earlier time that worked! In Chrome, go to Settings, type in graphics to filter the list and change Use graphics acceleration when available to OFF.

View solution in original post



I found a solution from an earlier time that worked! In Chrome, go to Settings, type in graphics to filter the list and change Use graphics acceleration when available to OFF.

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