07-30-2022 10:05 PM
I think I know the answer, but worth asking. I have a headset without a controller (controller lost), is there anyway I can do a factory reset setup without the controller and use the headset. Also, are there any 3rd party controllers I can use to replace the 3dof controller that came standard with the Go?
If not, I assume the headset is pretty much useless?
07-31-2022 10:18 AM
Hey there, Mark! All questions are important, so don't worry, we are here to reassure you with this one! We don't advise you to factory reset your device if you do not have the controller. If you do this, you will be stuck on the controller pairing screen, which is currently unavoidable without the controller.
You can always try reaching out to our support team at Meta Store Support. Our team can look into this issue for you!
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