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Request for Assistance: Unable to Access My Facebook Account

Honored Guest
Dear Facebook,
I'm reaching out for help with my account. I need to delete the old mobile number associated with my account or set up an authenticator app, as I'm unable to log in from any other device.
My old number is now marked as 'shared,' and I'm really concerned about the security of my account. Facebook Messenger is one of the only ways I can stay in touch with some elderly family members, and I’m worried about losing access to this. Despite adding my new mobile number, the old one still appears as the primary contact, and I can't delete it since I no longer have access to it.
I'm willing to provide any necessary information to regain access to my account and secure it. I truly appreciate your help with this matter. Please PM me for further details.
Thank you!

Expert Protege

If you can log into meta app on your mobile phone goto Accounts Centre then Personal details just delete old number

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