05:21 AM
- last edited on
06:50 AM
Dear Meta Support Team,
I am writing to request assistance regarding my Instagram account (@zaryab_kazmi), which was disabled on December 6, 2024. The notification stated that the account was disabled due to a violation of Community Standards related to "dangerous individuals and organizations." However, I firmly adhere to Instagram's rules and am unaware of any activity on my account that would violate these guidelines.
Account Details:
I believe this action may have been a mistake. My content and activity are in full compliance with Instagram's Community Guidelines.
I kindly request a detailed review of my account. If there was any misunderstanding, I am ready to address it and ensure complete compliance in the future. Your assistance in restoring access to my account would be greatly appreciated.
Please let me know if any additional information or clarification is required to resolve this issue.
Best regards,
Zaryab Kazmi
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