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Resolved: Store Showing 2 different currency

Honored Guest

I need help figuring out how to buy in Local currency (CAD). 

Website shows in CAD before logging in.  After Logging in, buying Devices, my referral program, store credits all show in CAD (which I had $7 I couldn't use because of this issue).  However, when I try to buy a game/application, it shows I am in USD. 

This is consistent across Desktop, mobile and Headset store application, and Browsers from all three device, in Private or incognito modes as well (for ones that have Firefox and Chrome installed)

I have done some troubleshooting with support tickets (Factory reset device and try various settings).  My latest ask is to change the language on my headset which I am uncomfortable with out side of English. Changing to English(Canada) allows the dollars to show USD instead of just $ and C$ for Canadian.

I also wonder at this point if there is a escalation process.


Solution: It is suggested that American Express as Default caused the issue.  I have since removed my American Express and replaced it with a different card which resolved my issue.


Retired Support

Hey hey @Vigath, so happy to hear you were able to get this currency issue resolved! Thanks for updating your post for if anyone else runs into the same kind of thing and comes across this thread. It really helps the community! I'll also keep this in mind if I ever see any similar issues. Hopefully you'll be able to get some awesome new games now too. 😊

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!
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